Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bartholomew's Own Travels to the Edge

My friend Jean gave me a gnome after I bought the Geo as a present in order to help keep me safe in my first car. I named him Bartholomew because it is an awesome name. Bartholomew has spent most of his life with me in the glove box of the Geo, giving a few passengers a sweet surprise when they have opened the door. He also spent some time outside in the Water Shed at Outdoor School this past fall and he really enjoyed it. He was bugging me to see the world and I just can't say no to that face. So far, he has been a good traveling companion with me in the Middle Kingdom. Bartholomew would like to show you some of his pictures since his arrival. Although, unfortunately, not as many as I hoped.

It has been taking me a real, real long time to figure out to posts pictures on here. I think these three are all the space I have perhaps. The two large ones are pictures of outside my hotel for Angela and then a picture of Bartholomew and Radar on top of my ugly, ugly couch for my Mom. I'll start an album on Facebook tomorrow with more, and I'll just try adding one or two on here for a couple of days unless I figure out how to post more! I think I'm just getting too tired tonight.

I had a lovely day back at work today and really appreciated my commute to school. Even the local teachers were complaining that it was hot today, so now I feel the right to do so. It is already like heat wave July hot here, and it is only May. The local teachers tell me it is just dry here, not humid, but if that's the case, someone needs to tell my hair that! I think I'll just be running from one air conditioned space to the next here over the summer.

I wish I could have given you a grander look at Bartholomew's world tonight, but I guess maybe a picture or two of the day won't be so bad for awhile. Oh... and keep reading because tomorrow night I will be unavailing a new section entitled: Uncle Ladd's Corner. Right now, it's night-night time.

Happy Birthday today, Angela! Hope you have a fantastic day!


  1. Big Girl, your couch has dog paws on it... And it looks like it's covered in plastic like on everybody loves raymond haha!

  2. " """""""""""n mkaxaxedxbnn kz. sa"

    From Reilly. He broke the "w" key off my lap-top, but he really wanted to say hi. ♥

  3. Hi Maria! It's so ugly! I took the plastic off, I couldn't stand it! At least the Barones didn't have dog paws all over it! They are more bear like size!

    Hi there, Mr. Reilly! Hope you are being good and are having fun!
