Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 7- The Sickness

We woke up earlier today than the day before to get to the Chengdu Airport for our flight to Kunming in the Yunnan Province. I woke up stomach sick and Mr. Toilet was my friend that day. Ah, the romance of travel!

Our plane to Yunnan was delayed for three hours and they gave us a free breakfast of a hard boiled egg and some crackers that I couldn’t even look at. Meanwhile, next to me Joyce and Cindy were chowing down on a rabbit’s head. I think it’s awesome in China that people eat so much of the animal, but I was sick and behaving like an ugly American tourist and getting a bit grossed out between frequent trips to the bathroom.

We eventually made it safely to Kunming. We were picked up by one of our tour guide agency’s agents who were really nice. We sat in an office while they went through paper work with Cindy and Joyce and I just sat there and drank water while dreaming about just lying on the floor! Cindy had decided that she wanted to go home earlier from the trip, and we went around with one of the agents helping her get a train and plane ticket back to Beijing. The tour guide realized what a depressing state I was in and led me to one of her friend’s teashop. Her friend was super nice and made me tiny cup after tiny cup of tea while Joyce and Cindy went shopping.

We had dinner at a hole in the wall place. I had been feeling better, and attempted to have some of an eggs and tomatoes and rice dish, but I didn’t get eat much before I started to feel gross again. I had been taken some American stomach medicine, but Joyce went out and got me some Chinese medicine. Chinese food should be fought back with Chinese medicine, Cindy declared. The girls left me again at the tour guide’s headquarters so they could go shopping and I could just sit. I was feeling much better. The Chinese medicine really helped.

We got on our bus at 7:30 in the evening for a five-hour trip to Liqiang. I sat at the very back of the bus and comforted myself by listening to a Josh Groban over and over again on my iPod, drank a lot of water, and actually ate the breakfast crackers.

We reached Dali around 12:30 in the morning. Joyce’s friend arranged for us to stay in better hotels than the rest of the group along with a few other couples. We were dumped off in the middle of nowhere and were ushered over to our hotel. I took a shower and fell into bed. It had been a very long day. I feel sorry that Joyce and Cindy had to put up with me all day and I appreciate how kind they were to me.

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